Saturday, April 3, 2010

3rd April


Drawing in deep slow breaths, filling your lungs with the breath of trees and your senses with the sounds of leaves moving in the air, the scents of the individual species around you, feeling a part of our earth as you take the time to be grounded and at peace. It is so easy to be rushing about, nerves jangling with all the demands of our lives, the racket of daily living, and yet it is also so easy to still yourself, re-visit an experience that was peaceful and draw on the remembered sensations for a few brief moments, and then return to the business of living refreshed. Today is the birthday of one of my sons, a special day full  of fond feelings and a wish that things could be easier between us. So I breathe out, and release the sadness there, breathe in, and smile at the happier things we have in common, and breathe out the love I feel for him. Somewhere he is breathing too and maybe a little of that love will reach him and make him smile a little for me.

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