Thursday, March 4, 2010

5th March

Wheels Within Wheels

This is based on a large cog-like piece of metal I have hanging in my studio, which I keep for the beauty of the rusty patination that has developed on it and its perfectly regular shape. I spent some time pulling an old alarm clock apart recently, much admiring all the tricky little pieces and the way they all interlocked, turning together to keep the hands moving and time nicely regulated for those of us who are a bit time challenged! I got to thinking about how so many things in our lives are interlocked, each having an effect on the other, and how there is a kind of order imposed upon the events in our lives. I am not sure exactly how I feel about this. I am rather a fan of the unexpected, the moments of happy accident, and the things that take me from the more ordinary places of my life into something new! I have entertained myself here by applying randomly considered patterns onto the orderly shapes traced off first, combining order and my own set of chanced decisions!

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